

Double Strength

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Sal-O-Mak is a perfect blend of buffered organic acid mixture, specialised for poultry and aqua, enhanced with the essential oils and coated Butyric acid. This addition makes the product effective in the finished feed as well as whole intestinal tract. This contributes to the bird’s stable feed digestion while allowing important digestive enzymes to activate faster, helps in promoting bird’s production and growth.

Choosing the right Blend: Inappropriate blend of organic acids for minimum product cost, leads to improper release of acids and poor gut health inboards. With Ideal composition of organic acids and Advanced blending technology Sal-O-Mak provides a perfect reduction of PH in both feed and gut.

Recommended Dosage

Broiler/Layers: 500 gm / Ton of feed
Breeders:1 kg / Ton of feed


25 Kg Bag

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